How to Read Your Report

The top of Page 1 includes some of the information about you, your home, and your goals.


The POWER section uses model days in different seasons to estimate which of your selected loads are likely to run simultaneously, combining to estimate your maximum "Continuous Power" and "Peak Power" (in "kW"). 


The ENERGY section uses those same model days to analyze the sufficiency of an energy storage system (see "Example Storage (kWh)" ) , when combined with a solar system (see "Example Solar (kW)" ). This section models an extended outage in all four seasons. In the "red-light-green-light chart", for any given hour during any given season, you're asking the question "Am I covered?". Green (🟢) means "almost always" (at least 90% of the time); red (🔴) means "usually not" (less than 50% of the time), and yellow (🟡) means "sometimes" (50% – 89% of the time).


If you see red during periods in which you really want backup power, you may need additional energy storage, additional solar, and/or a backup generator.